Aashiqui Not Allowed is an upcoming Punjabi film directed by Rakesh Dhawan. Aashiqui Not Allowed Punjabi Movie is starring the new Actor Aman Sutdhar along with Gurpreet Kaur and Harinakshi.The film is scheduled to be released on Sept 27, 2013. The film is a romantic comedy.
Star Cast and Crew
- Banner: Sikandra Films
- Producer: Sikander Ghuman | Ashwin Maisuria
- Director: Rakesh Dhawan
- Star Cast: Aman Sutdhar , B.N. Sharma , Gurpreet Kaur, Harinakshi , Gurchet Chitarkar , Jaswant Singh Rathore
- Music Director: Rakesh Dhawan
- Cinematography: K.Rajkumar
- Story/Writer: Rakesh Dhawan
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