After grand success of recent movies like Carry on Jatta, Singh vs Kaur and blockbuster hit "Angreji beat te", Gippy Grewal is all set for debut in Bollywood. Punjabis have been always the flavour of bollywood. A bollyood film without punjabi songs is unthinkable. The craze of 'punjabianism' is so high that now every time bollywood needs more punjabi in their films. After Honey Singh's success in bollywood, now the punjabi Rock Star Gippy Grewal will be seen in a bollywood film.
He is going to be the part of a film called "Mubarakan", The lead will be played by the Breakaway (Speedy Singhs) actor Vinay Virmani.
Gippy Grewal signed a Bollywood movie callaed Mubarakan directed by Gurmeet Singh. He will be co-star with Vinay Virmani (Speedy Singhs Fame) who is playing the lead role in the movie.
Last Year, Gippy Grewal song Angrezi Beat Ft Yo Yo Honey Singh is became the most popular song the year which increase the his popularity all over the world.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Gippy Grewal Debut in Bollywood
Gippy Grewal,
Gippy Grewal Debut in Bollywood,
Gippy Grewal in Bollywood,
Gippy Grewal Movies,
Mubarakan Gippy Grewal Movie,
Vinay Virmani
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Gippy going to act in a bollywood film? Are you fkn kidding me? Thats a disgrace to all the rest of the talented young actors who work so hard. This guy cant even act.