The film ‘Dil Sada Luteya Gya’ is directed by Maanoj Punj and produced by Saby Saanjh and Angad Singh. Mangi Mahal, the renowned singer and writer is also playing a significant role in the film. On the other hand Jonita Doda and Jividha Astha are quite familiar faces in the Punjabi films, and beautiful Rhithym Arora has been a prominent face on television and has been seen anchoring Punjabi Shows. Hence, after the television success the vivacious and lively Ryithm would be spilling her magic on silver screen.
- Director: Maanoj Punj
- Starring : Mangi Mahal,Ashmit Patel, Rhithym Arora, Jonita Doda and Jividha Astha
- Producer: Saby Saanjh and Angad Singh
- Co-Producer: Ramandeep Rekhi
- Story : Dh Rattan
- Screenplay: Maanoj Punj
- Release Date : January 2013
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